Master Matrix





A man driven by demons and the will to freedom finds a little piece of God’s mind in a bottle.

His first inclination is to set it upon an altar and build a cathedral around it but later decides to offer it to the Minister of Popular Culture for a handsome fee and, when this plan falls thru, he turns to peddling it in the marketplace (at drastically reduced  prices.)


The Moral:  Civilization Is Coming to an End.





10:13 (IV) (23:7) #375

The History of Science in Five Easy Lessons *






1.)    A   comet is a ball of hair  hurled  by the right hand of the Lord.

2.)   At the Northern extremity or the Earth there stands a great mountain and the Sun is hidden behind it.

3.)   That there are only seven planets is proven by the fact that the Tabernacle possesses but seven candles.

4.)   The Mighty Winds are issued from the Four Corners of the Earth, and

5.)   The Opening of Hell is situated in the Atlantic at some unknown distance from Europe.


* Compiled by a demotic stricken with SENILE DEMENTIA.





2.2 (V) (24:9) #415




The anti-mirage drugs did not take hold and so the operation called for was to be the standard one. However, this, too, proved to be unsuccessful for, as it  was recorded in the log of  the Secret Police,

‘… the dreams were lodged in the imagination where it was deemed that it was too deep to operate.’



12.19 (XI) (nn:11)



Master Matrix




A man driven by demons and the will to freedom finds a little piece of God’s mind in a bottle. His first inclination is to set it upon an altar and build a cathedral around it but later decides to offer it to the Minister of Popular Culture for a handsome fee and, when this plan falls thru, he turns to peddling it in the marketplace (at drastically reduced  prices).

The Moral: Civilization is coming to an end.



10 :13 ( IV) (23:7 ) #375

March Against the Barbarians




In the Realm of the Four Quarters Ipuwer, the Emperor, ordered his troops, who were in the midst of a march against the barbarians to the four corners of the land in order to relocate North, South, East & West when it was found that their planet (itself a prolate spheroid) revolved in an inverse manner from what  was originally thought amidst  a  pair of eclipsing binaries.  The reason released to the populace:  existential ambition yielding to the imperatives of geography.


12.19 ( II) ( 15:2 ) #243





Yron the Hunchback, who engages in the study of MENS TOPOLOGIA (the shape of the human mind), on a recent visit to the Spindle City revealed to me his latest subject of study —  Zeraph the Philosopher, author of the SYNOPTICUS, an encyclopedia of 8,535 volumes (compact edition 1,116), who later in life complained of the curse of total forgetfulness.



8.4 (II) (36:19) #613